
Conflict in the workplace particularly can be destructive to employee performance and if left unresolved can lead to grievances that can be both time consuming and costly. Jill Andreanoff has been trained in mediation techniques at the University of Hertfordshire and has some tried and tested methods for quickly bringing conflict to a close, enabling a good working relationship to be resumed.

Whether there is a long term issue or one that has emerged recently, Jill can usually, using a coaching approach, enable a mutually agreeable solution or plan to be reached usually within just three carefully facilitated meetings.

The preferred method is to meet with each of the parties involved on a one to one basis and then to facilitate a joint meeting where an action plan is agreed that is acceptable for all. If necessary, further meetings can be arranged to ensure that the agreed plan of action is working in practice. Of course confidentiality is maintained throughout within certain boundaries.

For more details about the process download the Mediation factsheet or contact me to discuss a specific issue or to book a session